Thursday, July 15, 2004

A Treatise On Science in Movies

Passed along from one of my science friends:
"Yes, it really pissed me off that movies do bad science research. The reason the sun looks like that is because of convection of the NONFUSING envelope, which wouldn't exist in a ball of fusion, tritium is a gas, not a pellet, and a fusion reaction wouldn't be put out by water, or create a magnetic field and pull in all metal. Cars on the other side of the river wouldn't be affected before the walls of the building. Someone in quantum physics would call it that to a student of quantum mechanics (one of the books he drops is Gasiorowitz, which you can probably find in the U of C bookstore). He wouldn't call it "advanced science". And why was he the only one who got goggles?"
If you know not of what she speaks, you have not joined 100+ million people at the movies this summer. And for this I pity you (the movie itself was not so hot though).

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