Monday, August 23, 2004

You Decide

Today's question: Am I a delinquent or a snob?
So on shabbat I was invited to the apt of a friend from work. Very nice, upbeat, smart competent (not like Richard Joel, though) person. Anyhow, lunch was great but I was kinda bored. My friend stopped me today to explain that everyone around the table was 'spiffy' in one way or other, and in fact I could see that. But somehow I was not really entertained. It that because I am an intellectual snob (and these poor tendencies have only been reinforced at the UofC) or am I just a social delinquent with an odd choice of friends? Ibid.

Obviously, the real answer is both. Unfortunately, I don't like being looked at as a snob. sigh. Any thoughts Miriam? Tiki? Batya? (I already know your thoughts Oren).

So the addendum to this story is that after lunch I walked over to the Dan Panorama to meet up with the Chicago faculty mission. I was surrounded by 12 professors, and I felt at more or less comfortable, or at least entertained (although it is awkward to be 30 years younger than everyone else in the room, feeling most certainly like a pisher). I don't know that less interesting things are said in the Hillel TV room between mincha-maariv though.

1 comment:

Oren said...

What are my thoughts?