Sunday, June 25, 2006

Beatles Shmeatles

In the days of raging Beatlemania, the Beatles were not allowed to perform in Israel. The Minister of Education forbade them from doing so, fearing their music would have a corrupting effect on the youth (cf.). Well, that youth has grown up and they've brought the Beatles to Israel. Okay, not the actual Beatles (at least one of whom is dead, I'm told), but a group of young Israelis (about 30-45 yrs young) who can imitate the Beatles. I heard them last night where they performed in an ancient Roman amphitheater near Haifa with the Haifa Symphony Orchestra. In a way it was like a Montessori school reunion with a bunch of 50-60 year old Hilonim dancing, while seated, to the music. But when I took a closer look at their dancing in their seats, I noticed it bore a striking resemblance to the kind of shuckling many Orthodox people do in schul. This was their religion, I realized. Of course they were shuckling.


Anonymous said...


Do you mean that the Beatles are as powerful a group of inspirers of shuckling as, say, the authors of those marvelous works of Hebrew liturgy that inspire shuckling in synagogues?

Did you 'shuckle' to the Beatles imitation?

Yehuda said...
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Yehuda said...

O anonymous asker of personal questions, who are you?

Yehuda said...

Sam, I'm glad to see you're still on board after all those jabs I've made at you.

The concert was supposed to be the "Abbey Road" album. I think they added some songs from "Sgt. Pepper" and a couple of others. (I'll ask Sara when she gets back if there were any from the White Album).

As far as the Beatnuts go, all we need in this country is more disgruntled people waving guns . . .