Thursday, January 22, 2009

Winning, yet again

I like winning, and I particularly like beating Europeans. I also enjoy beating Canadians, but there is no real sport in that. This makes Tuesday all the more sweet. You see, we in American find ourselves consistently competing with our older brother. Who will develop the next new industry, the next political paradigm, the most powerful army? We always win, but it is always close.

For a while there Europe looked like it was going to out liberal us, which was just plain unacceptable. We invented liberalism. Well England did, but we did it way better than they did and they have been playing catch-up for some time now (France is all turned around on that account, but you have to feel mostly sorry for them). But recently it looked as if Europe was going to lead on environmental policy and global responsibility. Then we elected a minority person of a minority racial/ethnic heritage (isn't minority just easier?) to the highest office in the land and out liberaled Europe yet again. They can only look at their feet and say, "Oh yeah, we are really liberal too, except we don't like minorities. But other than that we are awesome." And not only a minority, but a super-cool one of whom everyone else is envious. That's right, we won again. U.S.A.


Yehuda said...

What has Europe done that is more liberal than the US? I cannot think of anything off the top of my head. I can think of things that Europe has done that are more "left wing", such as the examples you mentioned like environmental policy and "global responsibility". Europe has never treated its minorities as well as the US (and by Europe I mean every country in Europe). Further, they have fewer democratic rights and more wacky ideologies. One of the things I find most appalling about the modern American left is their insistence that Europe is such a great place that ought to be emulated.

As the child of a refugee from Europe, I can hardly be expected to extol Obama for being "more European". If, indeed, he is more European, there is one more reason for me to dislike him.

Zev said...

Um, I think I agree with you Yehuda.

Anonymous said...

Some countries in Europe have six months of paternity leave.

Yehuda said...

I guess that's the trouble with the internet: it is hard to understand sarcasm. Hmmm, not much fun arguing if we all agree, is it?

Anonymous said...

For the record, I don't like the use of the word "minority" to refer to an individual ("elected a minority to the highest office").
- grammar police

Zev said...

Oren, there is a difference between winning and being stupid.